from-Monday April 26th, 2010*
My recovery to date at 6 months out has been blessedly uneventful.
I will post updated pictures as soon as I can get my son to take some. And I figure out how to do this.
If anyone has questions about the surgery I’d be happy to answer the best I can. Remember though everyone is different, reacts differently and their doctors have different procedures to follow.
My doctor tells me to eat protein first then non-starchy vegetables and if there is room fruit for dessert. Remembering that the space you have is about the size of your thumb. I’ve found that different proteins fill up my pouch in different ways. I can eat more of beans and peanut butter. Of course, the doctor tells me to lay off eating those and concentrate on more solid and less fatty proteins. He does not allow protein drinks either. He wants you to get your protein from food.
In the old days I was a volume eater and ate lots of rice, bread, and salad to economically increase my meals. I can’t eat those things now. They don’t go down well. Leaving me feeling stuffed without consuming the protein I need.
Eggs would be great. Except that now they make me feel queasy For most people chicken or eggs is the first food they eat. Me? Chicken is too dry and feels like it gets stuck. I have never liked fish unless it is fried which is a big no-no for me because too much carbohydrate or sugar makes me “dump” or go into what is called a carb coma. More details on this if you really want to know but trust me, you don’t
Steak has been good for me as long as I watch the fat content. Think modified Atkin’s .
The good thing is foods that once gave you problems don’t after awhile; the bad thing is foods that you didn’t have problems with before sneak up and surprise attacks you some days.
I have spent much time pouring over recipes and fretting about what I can eat and what I can fix for my family and what I would like to eat but I’m afraid to eat.
I plan to blog more about my diet and recipes as well as MS and the surgery, exercise, bones and clothes. I really do have more going on in my life, but these things are specific for this blog. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I’m pretty open about things-heck you don’t know where in Texas I live!
* I am in the process of tranfering one blog to this one. These are entries from this date although I do know that it is June 16th
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