Friday, August 27, 2010

Murder and Innocense Lost

It has been twenty years since her murder and innocence was lost.

My daughter and Heidi were best friends. Spend all day at school together and the weekends at each other’s house kind of friends.

The girl’s were looking forward to their first year of middle school and the days of that summer were winding down. My daughter wanted Heidi to come with us that Friday when I was getting my classroom ready for the start of school. How about ” Tomorrow” I said. For Heidi, Tomorrow would be too late, tomorrow would never come.

On August 4th,1990 She had spent the night at another friend’s house and was walking home that Saturday morning. She never made it home.

It soon became clear that she had been abducted. The entire family, the community, the city became involved in the search for Heidi. Phone calls, searches, prayer meetings, FBI interviews, counseling and candle light vigils.

My daughter would tearfully ask “Why would anyone want to kidnap her? She didn’t have any money?” I had to explain that there were bad people in the world who wanted something other than money, something only a little girl could provide. An idea that was hard for her and me to understand.

August 26th, a duct-taped and plastic bag wrapped body was found. It was identified as Heidi’s remains. There was a funeral, a closed casket and much grief.

Why and who we think we know. That is not enough for the law. Incontrovertible proof is what is needed.

Will I ever be able to think of August as the start of new things and not the end of innocence?

For more information on the murder go here:

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